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C6 Tech/Performance - 2005 C6 cranks but?

It still wouldn't start, and even after messing with it today I haven't been able to get it going C?

C4 Tech/Performance - 1985 corvette cranks, but wont start. Aug 28, 2011 · C5 Tech - Turns over, but wont start - So I have run into a problem with my vette starting up. The car is getting fuel and fuel pressure is normal. or the just crank it for 5 seconds till it gives and fires. kion mews Are you looking to purchase a classic 1962 Corvette from a private owner? If so, there are several important factors to consider before making your purchase. Vette cranks but won't start after a front end collision Log In;. It feels like it's not even trying to start, like there. Quick video explaining a crank no start issue I was having on my 2004 C5 Corvette. Turning ignition key got some indication of car firing then nothing. agrotk dealer obdII scanner showed also "p1637-39 generator I- terminal circuit" and "p1638-39 generator f-terminal. Now the car won't start, will turn over, but I checked and I have no spark. (99 Hardtop, 6 speed, 100k miles) I have been looking around on forums for weeks now and haven’t found anything. Mar 1, 2023 · 1 If your Corvette’s engine won’t crank or cranks very slowly, then the most likely culprit is a weak or dead 12v battery. Im new here and in need of help for my 2001 base c5(manual) So my C5 will sometimes start, but will abruptly die with no warning. mule train grey gamefowl But when it comes to buying a classic car from a. ….

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